

Be where you smell history and experience culture. A land of smiling Buddhas and Deities in all their splendor, standing next to each other in peace and harmony. The multi ethnic and multi religious culture that prevails in the Island will certainly enrich your lives. Wake up early morning to the sound of drums heralding the sunrise, at the Buddhist temple. You may even hear the sounds conch shells being blown and the bells being rung at Hindu shrines. The muezzin announces day break at dawn, head turned towards the holy city of Mecca to praise Allah and honor Prophet Mohamed. The Christian churches usher in the day with sounds of bells and choirs rising up in praise of the Almighty. Where else could you experience such understanding and harmony? Sri Lankan culture stands out a mile with centuries old heritage. Follow the trails tread by Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Skanda, Ibn Batuta and Phahian. Some even say the Garden of Eden where Adam & Eve dwelled is here. For that unmatched experience of a life time be with us – Trails Sri Lanka.