The Green Gold Trails



Up the bridle paths, down stony flights of steps – the trek would bring you to an unbelievable panorama, with lush green carpets of tea. It may be on top of Lipton’s seat, Pilkington’s point, St Catherine’s seat, Millennium point or Mini World’s End. Observe the friendly faces of tea pluckers toiling away on the hill slopes while the “Raj” of the plantation keeps vigil on top of the mountain. Occasionally you would notice the mountain railway chugging its way in and out of tunnels just the way it did carrying the Green Gold in the Colonial days. Take time to sip the favorite brew – Silver Tips, Fanings, Orange Pekoe, Dust Number One or Green Tea and even pickup a few packs for your loved ones at home. May be you’d been Wine sipping in France or Beer sipping in Bavaria. The different flavors of Tea you would experience on the Green Gold Trail would be quite as exciting.