Mountain Railway 


Your vision is blurred by the misty winds that sweep the pine forests outside your glass pane. The lonesome whistle echoes while your carriage coasters around the bend and just ahead of you is the next tunnel. You sit back once more, to experience the weird sounds – the wolf whistles – cat calls and all the other crazy sounds humanly impossible, the fellow passengers create to turn the tunnel into a world of fantasy. But within minutes your carriage rockets out of the tunnel, and you just cannot believe how such a wonderful sight could appear in such a short spell. A summer sun is smiling upon you from a clear blue sky. Acres of rolling carpets of tea end up in rich green paddy terraces. Far away a white bubble of a temple dome is visible atop a hill. The vast Uva Downs open up as far as your eyes could see. Get on board the Mountain Railway that would carry you across an exhibition of diverse vegetations, sceneries, habitats both urban and rural. The Iron Horse that once carried Green Gold will take you across the land making you feel that you are not the only one on board, holidaying. One journey you would never want to end...

 Just don't miss that Train...